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How to Choose the Right Industrial Borescope

Published by Susan 2025-02-11


If you find yourself in the market to purchase a endoscope, then its very important to consider not only the specifications and price of the endoscope also the quality of the system and optional features. Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fit’s all’ industrial borescope. The video camera that will perform an inspection in ½ inch entry point will not perform well in a 12-inch diameter entry point.

Here are some things to consider when purchasing your borescope:

Do I need a rigid borescope or a flexible borescope probe?

What diameter probe do I require?

Do I need a straight view for the inspection or do I need to see the side of the inspection area?

How long of a borescope probe or sometimes called borescope wand do I require?

What is the difference between a rigid borescope and a flexible borescope?

Basically, most borescope can be categorized into two categories of either having a rigid or flexible probe. The rigid borescope is just like it sounds, it offers a stiff probe that is straight and offers viewing at different angles. A flexible borescope probe is malleable and allows for free movement similar to a rope. Although the flexibility is beneficial for bending and manipulating the probe, it is not conducive for pushing. However, many of these flexible borescopes offer articulation at the tip. This articulation in most flexible borescope systems is controlled by steel cables that run from the tip of the probe up into the handle body where the articulation controls are located. This advanced feature allows you to manipulate or steer the tip of the probe inside your inspection area.
